Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fear, culpability, humour ?

I choose some examples of sensibilisation campaign from Greenpeace and WWF. As we can see, they use choquing images to make people react. Actually I don't know which attitude is better to convice people to react (fear, culpability or humour). But I think it can be great to mix humour and informations in campaign. In this way, people won't feel bad and will enjoy the image and maybe this solution will help them to become volunteer in associations.

Examples of campaign:

The message received

The message is: our planet is destroying very quickly, we have to act, we have to stop pollution and overfishing and we need to create marine reserves.
The associations give a message of emergency and I feel very concerned about it.

How are the communication's strategies different ?

In the associations, communication's strategies are all different. WWF and Greenpeace communicate differently on media. But we can notice that their actions and their goals are the same: help the earth and fight against pollution.

I think the better strategy is to act on the field like Greenpeace does. And to sensitise people, I think it's great to use humour.

Something different ?

Last week, I was in Oman for diving and I did something different. In Oman, there are 14 islands which are marine reserves. I decided to give some money to the association because this marine reserve helps a lot. It's a great solution for the ecosystem because there is no pollution and no overfishing in this zone. I think it's great to contribute to this evolution.

A new attitude ?

When I started to work on climate change, I learned a lot of things. I decided to write about oceans because I feel concerned about this subject. But actually, my attitude didn't change because I was already eco-friendly. I don't eat tuna, I don't pratice fishing and I try to respect the environment.
Even if this blog don't change my behaviour, it makes me realize that global warming was a real problem for ocean's ecosystem. And I also learned a lot of things about Greenpeace and its actions.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Good and bad actions

Nowadays with Internet, good and bad actions are known by everybody. Greenpeace communicate a lot about its actions. Journalists follow them when a big action is prepared.
If good actions are known, bad actions are also known. For example, everybody knows that Japan is still fishing tuna. So every action has its own effects. With Internet, Twitter and Facebook, there is no more transparency.

Breaks habits

If we want to help our planet, we need to change our habits. So we have to stop overfishing and stop pollution. These problems can be reduced if everybody helps. For that, we have to change our habits of eating (don't eat tuna for example) and we have to be involved in associations.